Video projection, paint, gym bag and towel
205 cm x 125 cm
A short segment from Michel Foucault’s 1983 lecture, The Culture of the Self, is played on a speaker. A looped video of the artist’s foot is projected onto the wall from a projector standing on its side in the middle of the gallery floor. The projection intersects with a painted chalkboard, a bag, and towel, as if the artist has just come back to his studio from the gym. Foucault’s voice is softer than the sound of the artist’s foot gently sticking down onto the cement floor and unsticking to bounce back up again, in and out of focus on the projection.
" ...Between those two extreme points of concern with oneself, for a lost Drachma you must light a lamp, turn the whole house over until gleaming in the shadows you see the coins' metal. In the same way, in order to recover the effigy that God has printed in our soul and which the body has furnished, one must take care of oneself, light the lamp of reason and search in every corner of the soul. Between those two extreme points of concern…"