17 min, DCP, 16:9
The Calling is a fictional portrait of Thomas, the son of a Protestant pastor who, due to his religious background, was not accepted into art school under the GDR government. Today, in his late fifties and still haunted by this trauma, he lives with his wife in a huge house inherited from her aristocratic family. His actions are accompanied by a voice-over of his daughter, who tells the story of her father’s life from her own perspective. Thomas’s life is comfortable and free from financial burden, yet his daily activities are strained by melancholic doubts about his sense of calling.
Actor: Thomas Rudnick
Voice-over: Tina Pfurr
Cinematographer: Frank Meyer
Line producer: Eyal Vexler
Music: Terry Riley
Editing: Janina Herhoffer
Sound recording: Frank Bubenzer
Sound mixing: Jochen Jezussek
Set design: Romy Kießling
Written and directed by Assaf Gruber
The film was produced with the support of the Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V. Bonn for the exhibition ‘Luther and the avant-garde’ at the old prison of Wittenberg, 2017.